Dr. Steele’s

No scalpel vasectomy

STEP 1: Please read all the info below prior to booking your procedure. If you have questions feel free to ask us when you call to set thing up.

Nation River Health Clinic Vasectomy - Should I?

Are you considering a vasectomy? Find out what is involved in a no scalpel vasectomy and the risks.

Nation River Health Clinic Surgery Preoperative Care Instructions

Preparation instructions to read prior to your procedure.

Nation River Health Clinic Surgery Postoperative Care Instructions

How to look after yourself after your procedure.

STEP 2A: Call to book your appointment

You can either call our office at (613) 774-0915 to book your consult & procedure or go to Step 2B and book it yourself online. Please have your OHIP card with you.

STEP 2B: Or book it online

You can now book your same day consult and procedure any time day or night!

STEP 3: Forms must be returned at least (1) week prior to your appointment

Nation River Health Clinic Consent Form

Please fill in the consent form for your procedure.

Nation River Health Clinic Vasectomy Intake Form

Please complete this health history intake form so that Dr. Steele is aware of your medical past and family situation.